See off at Airport Quotes

The airport is one of the most emotional places I can think of. Everyone is going somewhere new and exciting but they’re leaving the people they love behind. Saying goodbye to someone at the airport is tough for both parties because you never know if you’ll ever see them again.

See off at Airport Quotes

Saying goodbye to someone at the airport is a terrible experience. Not only are you waiting for your flight and watching the time go by, but you usually have to listen to those last words and watch tears flow down the eyes of your loved ones.

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Whether you are leaving the country or any of your loved one is leaving the country, make sure to take some time to say goodbye, so your special someone will always remember your last moments together.

Saying goodbye to people can be so difficult and extremely painful. I understand that saying goodbye to someone you love is one of life’s most difficult experiences, but thinking about it can make the process much less painful.

So, I have created this list of airport goodbye quotes for you to read before saying goodbye.

Airport Goodbye Quotes

1. Goodbye, my friend, I will miss you. Do have a great flight.

2. Keeping you in my heart, do have a great flight.

3. I’ll really miss you love, have a safe flight! I will text you when you land.

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4. I’d like to thank you for being such an important part of my life. Goodbye does not mean forever, I will see you again when the time is right.

5. Tight hugs, warm smiles, and much love as you depart today. We’ll see you soon. I wish you a  safe landing.

6. I wish you a safe and pleasant flight. Come back soon. I love you so much.

7. We’re thinking about you as you board your flight. We hope it doesn’t take too long to land and that you enjoy your journey home.

8. I hope you’ll always remember me as the one who sends you off in style. Miss you already, Have a wonderful flight!

9. Wish you a safe flight and a warm welcome to your destination. I’ll miss you so much. I love you.

10. Goodbye for now. I will miss you. Don’t lose your way and do have a great flight!

11. Have a safe flight. I will really miss you. I’ll be here when you get back.

12. The next time we see each other, it’ll be at the finish line. in the meantime, have a safe flight. I’m rooting for you!

13. It was awesome to be with you. I will miss you do have a great flight.

14. Wish you and your family a safe flight. I know I will miss you all so much, but I know you will call to let me know when you’ve landed and when I hear your voice again, it will feel like we were never apart.

15. May you remain always in my heart, as you are in my thoughts. I will miss you so much. I love you.

16. We might not be together right now, but I haven’t forgotten about you. You’re always in my thoughts and will remain there. Don’t forget to take your first selfie when you land!

17. We’ll miss you while you’re away. So many things we can do when you get back. Stay close to your heart and make us a part of your journey.

18. A short journey that always seems too long. We won’t forget our last moment together. You’ll be home before you know it.

19. We have to say goodbye because we cannot just stay together and get bored a new journey awaits you. Have a nice flight!

20. It’s hard to say goodbye, but hopefully, you’ll come back soon. Have a safe flight!

21. Best of luck in your journey ahead. May you have a safe trip, no matter how far your destination.

22. The sweetest goodbyes are the ones that are never said, but forever felt.

23. Saying goodbye never gets easier–though it does get better with a lifetime of practice. Good luck, and see you soon.

24. Saying goodbye is hard, but it’s the start of an exciting new adventure! Have a great time on the plane, I wish you a safe landing.

25. It’s time to say goodbye! We hope you enjoyed it, and we’ll see you soon. Wishing you a safe flight and a great holiday.

26. This is the end. We hope our short time together has been good for you, too. See you soon

27. I’m flying out tonight, but I’ll be back in a few weeks. Bye!

28. Goodbye, it’s been a pleasure knowing you. Hope you enjoyed your vacation and we’ll meet again soon! Wish you a safe landing.

29. One last laugh before the long goodbye. Wishing you a safe and wellness journey and a safe landing.

30. It was great to have you here! Wish you a safe flight, and I hope you come back soon.

31. Goodbyes are never easy. They’re even harder to say when you don’t know when or if you will see the person again, but remember that everything happens for a reason.

32. Wishing you a safe flight and landing. We’ll be here when you land.

33. Have a great trip, and remember that you can count on me!

34. Good luck on your journey. We hope you have an amazing flight and landing.

35. Goodbye is always hard, but you’ll always be my best friend. Wish you a safe flight.

36. Wishing you a safe, smooth and pleasant flight.

37. Good luck on your trip and have a safe landing.

38. The time we spent together was never enough, even though I realize that life goes on. I’m gonna miss you so much, I’ll miss those conversations we had, and even those little fights. Life is too short to be anything but happy together. Safe flight.

39. Good luck on your flight. We hope you land safely at the destination of your choice.

40. Good luck on your trip, we hope your flight is smooth and safe.

41. Excited to see you this summer. Wishing you a safe flight and landing!

42. I’ll miss you and I hope your trip is nice, I hope you have a great time. Stay safe, call me when you can!

43. I’ll miss you while you’re gone. Have fun and I’ll talk to you soon!

44. Have a lovely vacation. Stay safe and make sure to get in touch.

45. I’ll miss you! I hope your trip is great, and be sure to call me when you get there.

46. Bon, voyage my friend! I will miss you dearly. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can see each other again soon. Au revoir

47. I love you, I miss you and I want you to come back safe. We’ll see each other soon… Have a great trip!

48. I will miss you every second, although I won’t be with you. I’ll bless your day, every place you go and every move you make. Have a safe flight.

49. We are going to miss you, my friend. I will cherish the memories of our time together.

50. Distance between us is not to be feared for the heart will lead us home. Have a safe flight.

51. I wish you a safe flight, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. It’s not really goodbye because I’ll always be in your heart.

52. Home is where you are, and that’s close enough for me. Have a safe flight.

53. May your trip be safe and blessed. Goodbye, my dear. My heart will miss you till we meet again.

54. May you have everything you could need on your way. Goodbye, friends! I miss u already.

55. Life is a journey, and you’re the best travelling buddy I could have asked for.

56. You’re the kind of friend everyone needs. I am that kind of person who cares too much and cries easily, but with you around, I’m all good. So, wherever you go and whatever you do, may your heart stay warm and full of love. Have a safe flight.

57. Till our next meetup, my dear friend, and I wish that your new destination may not be too far away.

58. The airport goodbye is such a special moment. Whatever happens in your next adventure, wherever you are headed, this is just the beginning. Create more memories and always be yourself.

59. Nothing makes me more excited than seeing you off to your destination! I hope all your dreams come true and that you have a great time on your trip!

60. Takes my breath away each time I say goodbye. Always remember that I’ll always love you and miss you dearly.

61. I’m so lucky that you have come into my life. I’ll never forget the time we’ve been together.

62. I will come back with a bucket full of memories to share with you. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you soon.

63. Wish I could have spent more time with you. Hopefully next time we will have the chance to catch up again.

64. May your journey be way more fun than an airport goodbye.

65. Wishing you a safe and memorable holiday. Stay fabulous

66. I wish you a safe flight to your loved ones and hope you will come back soon. I’ll miss you

67. Goodbyes are not forever, they simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.

68. I just want to say that you have been a strong pillar for me and it makes me feel secure. I will keep you in my prayers.

69. Your presence is desired everywhere, but your absence is felt most keenly in the place it was hardest for you to leave: here. Wish you a safe flight.

70. Your presence is missed already. I hope the flight is safe and you’re thinking of me wherever you may be.

71. It was good to have you here. I’ll miss you until next time when we will create more great memories together.

72. You are the most cherished person and it’s the hardest to see you go. Travel safely.

73. As you travel, we look forward to the new adventures and experiences that await you. We’ll miss you here.

74. We are sorry to see you go. We hope you’ll keep in touch and that we’ll be seeing you soon.

75. We are sad to see you go. Remember to come back for more great deals. Your cup is half full. Not goodbye but see you again soon.

76. I will miss you. But I’ll always remember you and never forget you. You are so sweet to me, And I will always cherish you. Bye!

77. Goodbyes are not forever, they just mean a little while. I wish you the very best in your new adventures, I’ll miss you dearly.

78. I’m just a call away, don’t worry about me. Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.

79. Goodbye, my Love. Don’t worry about me I will be fine.

80. We always have a reason to smile at goodbyes, and you have given us the reason. Wish you a wonderful trip, and an even better return.

81. It’s gonna be a long and lonely trip without you. I’ll miss you so much.

82. Don’t go. I’ll miss you when you’re gone. Love, Me. I wish you happiness and joy wherever life may take you.

83. I just want to say, you are awesome and I am going to miss you like crazy.

84. Parting is such sweet sorrow, This time it’s forever. You’ll be in my heart until we meet again.

85. It’s time for us to part but I will think of you often and hope that you are safe out there. I wish you a safe flight.

86. Nothing can separate us because nothing can kill our friendship. Stay connected. I’ll see you soon.

87. Missing you already, miss you till we meet again.

88. I’ll see you soon, I hope. Even if not, take care, my friend.

89. It’s always the last moment to say goodbye before you go. I like to listen to your voice and enjoy the pleasure of seeing you.

90. I’m super excited about that trip to Europe! I hope it’s everything you wanted it to be.

91. The airport is the place just before the most memorable moments. Goodbyes are painful but so memorable to the hearts.

92. Making memories with our dearest and nearest is one of the best moments in life.

93. We will always miss you when you’re about to leave, but stay connected with us through the map on your phone. See you soon!

94. The airport goodbye quotes and sayings make the relationship stronger.

95. Sometimes, you have to first say goodbye before you can see them again. So, enjoy your trip and let’s see each other on your return.

96. Goodbye, my love. I shall miss you terribly, but I’ll always remember the good times we shared. I’ll see you when you get back.

97. Always remember me for I will always remember you. Have an amazing trip, dear!

98. It’s not goodbye, just so long for now. May flights of fancy fill your heart and soul as you travel on.

99. It’s not goodbye, just so long for now. May you fly safe and sound and may your luggage arrive with you at the airport.

100. Take off safely and return home soon. Your bags are packed with hope, dreams and love, use them well.

This list of airport goodbye quotes above can help you to express yourself better to your loved ones travelling by air. Feel free to share and do not hesitate to leave your comment in the comment section. Thank you.

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