Renal Diet

Lower sodium and potassium diet

Category of diet: veg       calorie: 1700 kcal

Protein: 60 gm.                Salt: 4gm

Bed tea:   [1 Cup tea with 50ml milk; cream cracker biscuit 2pc.]

Breakfast: [chirwa; curd 100gm or 

Veg Sandwich, Bread 2 slice, vegetable as required {without Tomato} sweet o1 pc.]

Midmorning: 1 slice fruit [Apple, Guava, Cucumber, Papaya,]

Lunch:   [60gm. Or chapattis 3pcs, Rajmah/Pulses20gm vegetable curry 01 bowl; curd 100gm;]

Tea: Afternoon Chana 25gm or suji 10gm with 100gm milk.

Dinner: Rice 60gm/ chapattis 3pcs; vegetable curry 01 bowel/Bhaji, panner curry; salad as desired]

Food Substition: Instead of 25gm Chana 125 ml milk can be taken,

                             Instead of 100gm curd 100ml milk can be taken.

Food to Avoid: 

Vegetables: Potassium Rich foods and vegetables like sapota, lemon, Mango, spinach. Green papaya, sweet potatoes, tomato; ole, kachu, Kanchkala, green banana, Potato.

READ MORE: What is Kidney কিডনী রোগের লক্ষণ কি কি এবং কিভাবে বুঝবো আমি কিডনি রুগী

Fruits: Grapes, grapes fruits (Batabi lebu) and its juice, cranberry juice, pomegranate, Banana, dates, beal, atha, sugar cane, 

Fried foods luchi, puree, singhara, kachori etc, 

Dried fruits, chocolates, Nuts, etc, Papad, chutney, Pickles, canned foods; 

Animal fats like mutton, beef, liver and egg yolk, 

Full cream cow’s milk, buffalo’s milk, their products. Excess amount of milk and milk products, like salted cheese, butter, ghee, margarine, dalda, and their products.

READ MORE: শিশুকাল থেকেই কিডনী রোগ প্রতিরোধে সজাগ সতর্ক থাকতে হবে নিতে হবে কঠিন ব্যবস্থা Kidney Disease prevent from childhood

Spicey foods, Spices and condiments, Baking powder, cooking soda not allowed to diet, 

Refined Sugar, Honey, glucose, jiggery, sweets.

 Alchoholic beverages aerated drinks(coke, limka etc) ice cream, pastries etc. 

Green tea and herbal tea. Coconut and its foods. 

Per Day only 4gm salt used while cooking don’t use table salt.

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