Women are most affected for that reason. In Bangladesh the provisions of toilets for women on the roads in urban area is very inadequate. There are toilets is some places but most of the time they are completely unusable. For this reason many women are in great danger if they need to go to the toilet on the way. for this reason women tend to hold the toilet for a long time do not eat anything, especially water, so as not the press the toilet on the way.
As the result of holding the toilet and urinating for a long time, women felt into various physical complications. Doctor say that not only women but also men can suffer various complications including urinary tract infections. What kind of complications can occurred: 
Bangladesh Kidney Foundation Hospital founder Dr. Harunur Rashid  said women had the most problems with holding the toilet. This can lead urinary infections and various problems. " the most common cause of this urinary tract infections or UTI , which called urinary tract infections. It is caused by a germ that build up in the bladder if you hold your urine for too long. It can have a negative effect on  power. Dr. according to Professor Harunur Rashid, urine contains toxic like urea and amino acids. As a result of holding it for long time, the toxins reach the kidneys and can form stones in the kidney's. In the big cities in the countries including Dhaka, the  incidents of this distance of this disease in increasing among both men and women lately. 
Bladder swelling can also occur due to urinary retentions. Also if someone already has a kidney problem and he urinates regularly his kidneys regularly start to lose functions. This can lead to various types of infections blood infections said Dr professor Harunur Rashid. A person also feel sever pain when urinating. 

What is the Remedy ? 
Physician researchers and social scientist that in Bangladesh working women and students in urban areas are the ones who hold the toilet when they got out. This is not only due to the inadequacy of public toilets on the road. Inadequate use of toilets especially public places like workplaces, shopping malls hospitals or parks is to blame. However there is no research on how many women have problems with toilet pressure of what kind of problems are more. 
A few years ago a study a study was conducted on femal officers and constable of Dhaka and Chittagong metropolitans police at the initiative of the  Department of Sociology Dhaka University. It has been found many women are suffering from various problems including urinary tract infections due to women holding the toilet while working on the streets. Dr Harunur says that there two things to do to prevent the toilet being clogged   1. women need to be aware of their bodies. In words when you find a toilet you have to go to a fairly useable place without pressing and finish the work. In this case a family has to play a vital role in making the girl aware and encourage. 
And the second things is that the goverment should focus not only on building public toilets, but also on increasing the number of toilets in public places like workplace, shopping mall, hospitals and Parks. 
When to seek Medical Attentions?
Dr Harunur Rashid Says whenever a women has burning sensation in he urine, itching in the urinary tract and pain in the lower abdomen, a doctor should be consulted.
Specially if these symptoms occur repeatedly than treatment should be taken as per the advice of the doctor. 

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